Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quiet please

Jason writes...

Dear Mom in Borders,

When your small child is repeatedly SCREAMING, that is not necessarily an indication that you should just wait it out and he/she'll calm down. If you're in a book store, please PLEASE just take your yelling, crying, upset child OUTSIDE. It will make everyone happier. Particularly if it seems like this behavior will continue for 20+ minutes.

Josh adds...

ATTN: All parents
Add church to that list while we're at it. We all appreciate the fact that your kids have to be somewhere, but unless we're on a) an airplane, b) a submarine, or c) a spacecraft* please help us enjoy the few quiet places.

* - or some unholy combination of all three!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not funny

Dear Ladies at the Front of the Line at Starbucks,

No matter how much or how loudly you laugh at yourselves, it turns out that it is not funny for you to pretend that you can't decide what you want to order. It is also not funny to pretend you forgot your wallets. I know, I was surprised too.

Here's an extra tidbit too. The guy who works there is laughing along because he is hoping for a tip. Also it is all he can do to keep himself from throwing the cash register at you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Choose one

If you're walking down the bike path by the lake, and you've got your kids in one of those double-wide strollers, you're going to have to choose only one (at most) of these activities to compliment your walk.
  • Stand motionless
  • Talk on your cell phone
  • Be in the oncoming lane
Enjoy your walk. I will enjoy barely avoiding running you down on my way home.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

You've come to the right place

Thanks to a discussion with this guy, among others, I have decided that there needs to be an advice column for all the people who are unaware that they need advice. This could take the form of general advice to the world or to anonymous individuals that I encounter.

If you feel the need to express some advice, I'm sure I'll be happy to include it here. So just send it along to me and I'll make it into a post!

Stay to tuned to this channel for that kind of thing. Also feel free to check out my other blog, if you somehow got here but your real interest is Northwestern sports and my life in general.